الثلاثاء، سبتمبر ٠٩، ٢٠٠٨

Universiti Sains Malaysia Universiti APEX

Sekalung tahniah diucapkan kepada Universiti Sains Malaysia kerana dianugerahkan status Universiti APEX oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. pengumuman yang penuh sejarah ini dibuat beberapa hari selepas pembentangan bajet "Kerajaan Prihatin" 2009 pada 29 Ogos 2008. Dengan penganugerahan ini USM telah diberi autonomi di dalam semua aspek pengurusan dan pentadbiran universiti seperti pengambilan para pelajar, tenaga pengajar, dan aspek kewangan universiti. Kini para pensyarah dan kakitangan universiti APEX akan mendapat gaji betaraf dunia.
Berikut adalah kriteria-kriteria untuk menjadi Apex University, dan USM telah menepati syarat dan piawaian tersebut.Walaubagaimanapun persoalan yang akan timbul ialah, bagaimanakah nanti sekiranya syarat dan piawaian ini sudah tidak dapat tipenuhi oleh universiti tersebut.adakah pengiktirafan itu akan batalkan dan segala keistimewaan akan ditarik balik?
An Apex University is a conceptual construct that in due time will standatop the pyramid of
institutions. The Apex Universities will be the nation’s centres of academic distinction. As preconditions of its success, Apex Universities must contain thefollowing key elements

1. The best leaders. Apex universities are to be headed byaccomplished leaders in every sense of the word. They arevisionary, fiercely motivated and committed to the ideals ofexcellent scholarship. They are managers and administratorspar excellence who bring talents to bear on the optimalmanagement of human and other assets of the university.They are great communicators endowed with an excellentcommand of the English language. They are morally uprightand of impeccable integrity. They are great motivators whoare able to spur others to excel.
2. The best faculty. The faculty must be talented and renownedfor their scholarship in their respective fields. A mix of localand foreign academics would make for a healthy infusion ofglobal knowledge. They are great teachers as well as greatresearchers in their own right. Their classroom technique willbe refreshing, inspiring and motivating. Their research iscreative and innovative, and is designed to advance humaninquiry and extend further the frontiers of knowledge.
3. The best students. Merit shall be the uncompromisingcriterion for selection into Apex Universities. Only those whosatisfy the rigorous academic entry requirement will beelected. A high standard of academic excellence isexpected to be continually and consistently demonstratedby students throughout the duration of their courses.Student selection will reflect the demographic profile of the country including a healthy mix of top international students.4. The best facilities. Apex Universities shall enjoy the bestfacilities. They shall be equipped with state-of-the-artfacilities which would enhance